"Catalyst to transformation behaviors in work setting"

A3 Leadership Development

We give it away. Become a Fast-Track growth and performance of people. EWC provides tools and insights to help you lead to assesses and improve your organization. Gain insights of a Organizational Health culture that will serve your vision. Build cohesive teams of legitimacy and trust. Train your leaders and trainers to use a roadmap to align overhead services supporting strategic development to emerge stronger and faster through fitness and take hold on become more competitive advantage to gain satisfying customers. This breakthrough moment will address emerging leaders, to think LEAN innovation and create a diverse and thriving organization culture.
Executive Workforce Consultants (EWC) offers group foundation training and individual coaching in “Five Behaviors Cohesive Teams” to maximize functional teams time and resources for all workers. In 2011 we launched our virtual telepresence class room learning platform system. Today we customize and integrate the best platform for your organization. EWC is uniquely qualified to develop Self-Service (SaaS) integrated systems for your organization. We are authorized partners with Wiley’s DiSC workplace Catalyst and Lencioni’s Five Functions of Cohesive Teams to further align with your strategic goals objectives with business financial outcomes. Groups typically range from 6-15 individuals. Contact: inquiry@executiveworkforce.com.  

Organization alignment illuminates continuous improvement by supporting the executive in leadership branding techniques to become successful in transforming leaders so they collaborate more effectively with leadership teams, peers, and direct reports. Ultimately, successful leaders improve productivity, survey results and the bottom line profits. We adhere to the business, values and code of conduct of our clients; as well as to the strict confidential relationship with people involved in development, performance management and enrichment.

Application, Benefits and Outcomes
Achieve stronger communications, metrics for business performance growth outcomes and reduce waste.

Learn to stave-off organizational disharmony, conduct self-audits and institute standard work programs to apply ROI results by:

  • Adopting values to reward a transformation culture of new competitive idea, skills and competencies.

  • Accelerating business growth and development, reduce waste and improve profitability.

  • Creating a culture using business performance indicator tools to assist in developing individual, organizational, change management and team development skills.

  • Identifying leadership issues and establish individual goals and career development plans.

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of internal communications.

  • Employing peer company comparisons to assess how your company meets the growth and development and educational needs of your employees.

  • Fostering individual contribution and team success by increasing trust, commitment and synergy among team members.

  • Developing all potential Leaders at all levels and disciplines.

EWC Talent Management and Transformation is a cohesive process adding value to organizational effectiveness, enhancing individual performance and ultimately increasing enterprise value. We provide practical solutions to business challenges in transformation of people to adopt and adhere to AI applications. EWC is experienced and trained in the style and performance management tools identified and hosted in our Talent Management platform services.


EWC adheres to values, performance requirements and technology tools and methods to support our customers. We abide by your code of conduct, business, evidence-based data, work/life strategies and passion to excel and succeed. Each of our consultants have a average of 15 years of professional experience in diverse fields in your industry and/or function(s). We are oriented for both leadership and customer services in a variety of industries. EWC provides objective consulting advice by strictly adhering to our independence and fee structure.