EWC'S Individual Career Transition (Outplacement) Services are agile, responsive and affordable to meet your organization's budgetary requirements as well as unique career goals and transition needs of the individual(s) impacted by job loss.
Our Career Coaches are certified and trained and collaborate as a management team to assist all candidates in the job search process. We are Global with our Career Partners and have access to over 1,350 offices to provide full-services or limited virtual services to your employees in transition in their location.
Service Offerings:
Executive Services include either 3/6/or 9 months of full a service program. We provide unlimited Career Coaching until the individual is gainfully employed, use EWC’s job search proprietary tools, extensive assessment, administration and office support. To be effective you will need a market-driven resume, presentation portfolios, assistance with comprehensive social media career branding or rebranding, sophisticated Linked-In biography and recruiter blasts. A team of 2-3 EWC Career Coaches collaborate as a team to assist with the job search.
Director Services include either 3 or 4 months of full or limited services. We provide unlimited Career Coaching until the individual is gainfully employed, assessment, use EWC’s job search proprietary tools, specific administration and office support as described in the program. To be effective you will need a market-driven resume, presentation portfolios as needed, assistance with social media and a sophisticated Linked-In biography and recruiter connections.
Managers / Supervisors / Specialists include either a “Fast Launch” 2-3 month program or a “Build-A-Service” program customized by the candidate co-managed according to the budget of the transition service. This could include Career Coaching, limited job search assessment, use EWC’s job search proprietary tools, and specific administrative support. To be effective you will need a market-driven resume and assistance with social media and a Linked-In biography.
Service Feature and Benefits includes:
Employment Talk V.4 - EWC customized job search resource dashboard to assist in the job search including personalized assessment, Hovers research, and RSS feeds to match your job search criteria to find the job(s) and that best match your profession, responsibilities and compensation requirements.
Career Decision Making to Transition Services to decide on career path and customize market driven resumes matching background to job fit.
Social Networking Job Search Development to personal train and to establish best methods in using your Linked-In, Plaxo and other social networking sites, blogs and a letter campaign.
Talent Positioning tailored to familiarize you with dashboard, recruiter hiring processes and employment opportunities. Rely on job match analysis to enhance your chance to “win” the interview.
Your consultant is a career coach, maintaining a close advisory relationship with the job seeker to prepare for all critical phases of a job search, starting a business or consultancy or an “encore” career.
Leverage EWC contract resources, best effort to connect and methods to become re-employment.
Coach and train in interviewing skills, networking techniques and group presentation skills.
Advanced Interview Training including answering most common and difficult questions, Individual and Group, and (SKYPE) Video Conferencing interviews.
Provide On—Boarding coaching “on demand” to ensure sustained employment success.
Introductions with alumni of our programs.
EWC Mission: “To engage all candidates and provide coaching and tools to achieve their career as aspirations as they move into a new role or start-up venture.”